Challenge : Specialized experimental systems


Faced with the need to reduce animal testing in scientific research, human neural organoids are emerging as powerful models for studying the development of the nervous system and modeling pediatric cancers. The Cell Exp project aims to combine human neural organoids, human embryos and in vivo mouse models to map neurodevelopmental cell trajectories and lineages.

Gaelle Legube, head of the “Chromatin and DNA repair” team of the UMR 5077 unit of molecular, cellular and developmental biology of the Center for Integrative Biology in Toulouse.

Stéphane Nédélec, head of the “Stem Cells and Neurodevelopment” team at the Inserm UMR 1341 / CNRS 8265 / Sorbonne University Institute du Fer à Moulin.

Study of cellular interactions via cerebral organoids and data visualization, to simulate the mutations that cause cancerous tumors

Trunk organoid neural tube and somites, © Stéphane Nédélec

Key objectives

Key actions

  • Construct 3D maps of cellular identities and lineage relationships in the human and murine CNS.
  • Use multi-omic approaches (spatial transcriptomics, scATAC-seq, scCut&Tag) to define transcriptional and epigenetic cell profiles.
  • Integrate these data into a unified digital platform to create a virtual atlas of the embryonic CNS.
Development of regional neural organoids from human pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC).
Modeling pediatric brain cancers in neural organoids.

Expected results

This project will contribute to the development of relevant ex vivo models for the study of pediatric brain cancers, while meeting the objective of reducing animal testing in biomedical research.

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